Meals/day: Three(breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Number of days/month: 30
Asumed cost of food /day: 120 *50= 6,000.00
Asumed adminstrative cost/day: 50*50= 2,500.00
Total cost/day: 8,500.00
5 days support/person: 850.00
Sponsor support: 850.00(incuding VAT)
Expected number of sponsors/ month: 300(to feed all 50 people in need for one month)
- People to be fed of the month/የዚህ ወር ተመጋቢዎች👈click here
- Meals of the month/የወሩ ምግቦች👈click here
- Sponsors of the month/የወሩ ደጋፊዎች👈click here